Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sony Mobile_Mobile BRAVIA Engine, Sony Exmor R for Mobile, Walkmam and Cyber-shot.

Filled under: , ,

Our vision is to become THE communication entertainment brand. We want to inspire you to do more than just communicate. We want to enable you to create and participate in entertainment experiences. Experiences that blur the lines between communication and entertainment. Turning your dreams into reality, that's what make.believe is all about. Trusting in the power of creativity. Believing that if you can imagine it, you can make it happen. This...

Posted By Unknown3:54 PM

All Blog Tools_Wide collection of blogger templates, tutorials, tools, and news.

All Blog Tools aims to provide bloggers around the world with great source for blogger templates, tutorials, tools and news. and of course to be the biggest source for blogger users for every thing. For now, All Blog Tools was able to provide you with a wide collection of blogger templates, tutorials, tools, and news.  Click here to Visit This ...

Posted By Unknown3:37 PM

Nokia_Smartphones, touch screen phones and accessories here.

Nokia’s mission is simple: Connecting People. Our goal is to build great mobile products that enable billions of people worldwide to enjoy more of what life has to offer. Our challenge is to achieve this in an increasingly dynamic and competitive environment. Ideas, Energy, Excitement, Opportunities, In today's mobile world, it feels like anything is possible - and that's what inspires us to get out of bed every day. Find the latest Nokia mobile...

Posted By Unknown3:23 PM

IslamHouseBD_কুরআনের তাফসীর, অনুবাদ, সহীহ হাদীস এবং অন্যান্য ইসলামিক বইয়ের ব্যাপক সংগ্রহ।

বাংলা ভাষাভাষি মানুষের কাছে ইসলামের দাওয়াত ভালোভাবে পৌছানোর জন্যে IslamHouseBD কুরআনের তাফসীর, অনুবাদ, সহীহ হাদীস এবং অন্যান্য ইসলামিক বইয়ের ব্যাপক সংগ্রহ অব্যবসায়িকভাবে আল্লাহর সন্তুষ্টির লক্ষ্যে বিতরণ করে যাচ্ছে। Islam House BD is free Islamic bangla pdf book site. We ask Allah Ta'alah to bless all Muslims in the world who struggle for truth, freedom. Click here to Visit This ...

Posted By Unknown2:14 PM

Monday, April 23, 2012

Apple_Designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers.

Apple is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products are the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Its software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, a professional...

Posted By Unknown3:06 PM

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sorol Path_প্রবন্ধ, বই এবং অডিও-ভিডিও লেকচার প্রকাশ ও প্রচার করে থাকে।

'সরল পথ' একটি অব্যবসায়িক অনলাইন ভিত্তিক দাওয়াহ প্রতিষ্ঠান, পরিপূর্ণ জীবন বিধান ইসলামের প্রচার ও প্রসারের লক্ষ্যে 'সরল পথ' নিয়মিত প্রবন্ধ, বই এবং অডিও-ভিডিও লেকচার প্রকাশ ও প্রচার করে থাকে। 'সরলপথ' কোন বিশেষ মতাবলম্বী, রাজনৈতিক দল বা সংগঠনের সাথে সংশ্লিষ্ট নয়। বরং এর কার্যক্রম সম্পূর্ণভাবে অরাজনৈতিক এবং এর উদ্দেশ্য সৃষ্টিকর্তা আল্লাহর সন্তুষ্টি। চরমপন্থা অবলম্বন বা চরম উদাসীনতা প্রদর্শন-এর কোন একদিকে প্রণোদিত না হয়ে আমরা মধ্যমপন্থা...

Posted By Unknown11:29 PM

mobile9_Theme, Ringtone, Wallpaper, Java Software, Symbian, Android, IOS, Flash, etc.

mobile9 is an app store and more. Truly open, truly social. Millions of members are sharing the fun and billions of free downloads served. You can get from this apps store: Theme, Ringtone, Wallpaper, Java Software, Symbian,  Android, IOS, Flash, etc. Click to Visit ...

Posted By Unknown10:35 PM

BD Rong_প্রযুক্তির রঙে রাঙ্গিয়ে তোলে, এটি বাংলা ভাষাভাষি মানুষদের জন্যে একটি তথ্য ও প্রযুক্তি নির্ভর ব্লগসাইট।

বিডি রঙ.কম বাংলা ভাষাভাষি মানুষদের জন্যে একটি তথ্য ও প্রযুক্তি নির্ভর ব্লগসাইট। যা আমাদেরকে প্রযুক্তির নতুন রঙে রাঙ্গিয়ে তোলে। এই ব্লগে বিভিন্ন বিষয় নিয়ে অনেক মানসম্মত টিউটোরিয়াল করা হয়, যা দ্বারা নতুন প্রজন্মকে প্রযুক্তির অনেক কিছু সহজে আয়ত্ত করতে সাহায্য করে।  A New Bangla Technology Blogging Platform. Click to Visit ...

Posted By Unknown4:41 PM

GuidedWays_Aiming to utilize the latest technologies available in order to spread the Word of Allah

Guided Ways Technologies Ltd. is based in the United Kingdom aiming to utilize the latest technologies available in order to spread the Word of Allah (SWT) and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to as large an audience as possible. Guided Ways tried to aim most, if not all, popular operating systems including mobile phones in our software development and offered services. These operating systems include, but will not be limited to, Microsoft...

Posted By Unknown3:11 PM

Microsoft_Software, Smartphones, Online, Games, Cloud Computing, IT Business Technology, Downloads

At Microsoft, we're motivated and inspired every day by how our customers use our software to find creative solutions to business problems, develop breakthrough ideas, and stay connected to what's most important to them. Business Service: Online Services Division: Microsoft’s search, portal, advertising and personal communications services, including online information offerings such as Bing and the MSN portals and channels. Server...

Posted By Unknown7:02 AM

QuranicAudio_The largest collection of cd quality Quran recitations on the internet

QuranicAudio.com is the largest collection of cd quality Quran recitations on the internet. Mp3s on this site may be downloaded and used for personal use free of charge. However, you may not use these files for commercial purposes as many of these files have rules and regulations that prevent their sale except by the publishing companies. Files on QuranicAudio.com...

Posted By Unknown5:55 AM

Saturday, April 21, 2012

IRF_Uses Modern Technology for the Presentation of Islam

Non-profit public charitable trust based in Mumbai, India. IRF uses modern technology for the presentation of Islam. Its video telecasts reach audiences in millions through satellite T.V. channels and cable T.V. networks. The IRF has its own website. IRF ‘da’ees’ regularly interact internationally on the internet for presenting Islam and removing bias and myths about Islam. The IRF is popular for its organising of Public talks (followed...

Posted By Unknown12:55 PM

GetJar_Mobile Phone Application Store-Java ME, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile and Android, reaching more than 15 million consumers and has served over 2 billion downloads

GetJar is an independent mobile phone application store. This application store provides more than 350,000 mobile applications across major handset platforms including Java ME, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile and Android, reaching more than 15 million consumers and has served over 2 billion downloads (2,370,554,782+ Total downloads to date 26 Jan 2012). GetJar allows software developers to upload their applications for free through a developer...

Posted By Unknown10:31 AM

Zekr Quran Study Tool_Zekr is capable of having multiple add-ons, that is different translation packs, themes, recitations and revelation packs.

Zekr is an open source Quranic desktop application. It is an open platform Quran study tool for browsing and researching on the Quran. Zekr is a Quran-based project, planned to be a universal, open source, and cross-platform application to perform most of the usual refers to the Quran, according to the project website. Zekr is capable of having multiple add-ons, that is different translation packs, themes, recitations and revelation packs. Click...

Posted By Unknown10:10 AM

Friday, April 20, 2012

Cnet Download_Download shareware, freeware and Demo software for PC, Mac, Linux, and Handhelds categorized into categories, plus software reviews.

Filled under: ,

Download.cnet.com offers content in four major categories: software (including Windows, Mac and mobile), music, games, and videos, offered for download via FTP from Download.com's servers or third-party servers. Videos are streams (at present) and music was all free MP3 downloads, or occasionally rights-managed WMAs or streams until it was replaced with last.fm. The Software section includes over 100,000 freeware, shareware, and try-first downloads....

Posted By Unknown11:24 PM

BanglaKitab_Bangla Islamic Website(Bangla Books, Bangla MP3 Quran Qerat, MP3 Nazrul Hamd Naats)

বাংলা কিতাব ইসলামের বিভিন্ন উপকরনের জন্য একটি দারুন ওয়েব সাইট। এই সাইটে যা পাওয়া যায়: FREE Bangla Books, Bangla MP3 Quran Qerat, MP3 Nazrul Hamd Naats, Bangla Quran Translation and Explanation, Bangla MP3 Tongi World Ijtema Speeches. Click to Visit ...

Posted By Unknown11:08 PM

My Blogger Tricks_Blogging tutorials, widgets, templates, earning tips and practical SEO tips

My Blogger Tricks is an amazing tutorial blog site. The purpose of publishing MBT BLOG was to provide high quality Blogging tutorials, widgets, templates, earning tips and practical SEO tips. Each post is published with a hope so that every blogger may be able to turn his free Blog template into a $300 worth professional template and may earn a healthy living online. Click to Visit ...

Posted By Unknown4:23 PM

Quran and Science_Where Religion Meets Science

This site aims to gather all available and well-revised information about scientific miracles in the holy Quran. ِAnd we aim to present a clear picture of Islam to the entire humanity. The holy Quran is the word of God. The Almighty revealed it to his final prophet to humanity. When prophets were inviting their people to the truth, God endowed them with miracles to convince their people. Moses was given a miracle that excelled magic and...

Posted By Unknown3:59 PM

QuranerAlo_Bangla Islamic Blog

দৈনন্দিন জীবন ইসলামের আলোকে চালানোর জন্যে যেসব উপকরনের প্রয়োজন হয় তার জন্য কুরআনের আলো একটি অন্যতম ইসলামিক ব্লগ সাইট। QuranerAlo.Com is a frequently updated resource of authentic Bangla Islamic materials, featuring hundreds of articles, audio/video lectures, books and many more. Bangla Islam, Bangla/Bengali Islamic Website,  ইসলামী বই, কুরআন বাংলা, হাদিস, FREE Bangla / Bengali Islamic/Islami Books-Boi-Kitab, Quran/Qur’an/Qoran/ Kuran/Koran...

Posted By Unknown12:20 PM

GSMArena_English Technological Site

GSMArena.com is the ultimate resource for GSM handset information. A very useful shortcut to the GSMArena.com where you can find all the latest about mobile phones and technology news , reviews and hands on ! Click to Visit &nb...

Posted By Unknown12:40 AM

TechTunes_বাংলায় তথ্য ও প্রযুক্তিগত ব্লগের জগতে অনন্য

বাংলায় তথ্য ও প্রযুক্তিগত ব্লগের জগতে অনন্য যার নাম তা হল টেকটিউনস। Techtunes is the world's first, the largest, most popular complete unicode based technology social media, social network, on-line community and bangla technology blogging platform in Bangladesh where people blog about advance computing, mobile, IT news, new gadget, science & technology & more in bangla language. Click to Visit ...

Posted By Unknown12:23 AM

Thursday, April 19, 2012

TawhidFirst_English Islamic Site

This site is dedicated to explaining the monotheistic teachings of the Prophets and Messengers, chief amongst whom are the Messengers Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad. They all called to a single message which is "None has the right to be worshipped except Allaah, alone, without any partners", and this is the truth for which the heavens and Earth were created and upon which they stand. This website will be a detailed exposition of this...

Posted By Unknown9:53 PM

BnIslam_Bangla Islamic Blog(বাংলা ইসলামিক ব্লগ)

বাংলা ভাষায় ইসলামিক জ্ঞানের উপকরণ : আকিদা, কুরআন, সুন্নাহ, তাজকিয়া,মানহায... বাংলা ভাষায় ইসলামিক জ্ঞানের উপকরণ : আকিদা, কুরআন, সুন্নাহ, তাজকিয়া,মানহায | বাংলা ইসলামিক  ব্লগ | ইসলামিক ওয়েবসাইট। আমদের ব্লগটি বিশেষ গোষ্ঠী, শ্রেণী, রাজনৈতিক দল বা কোন প্র্তিষ্ঠানের আওতাভুক্ত নয়। আমাদের মূল উদ্দেশ্য হছে ইসলামী জ্ঞানের বিস্তার ঘটানো। ধর্মের নামে সকল ধরনের উগ্রতা ও সন্ত্রাসের বিরুদ্ধে আমাদের অবস্থান। একমাত্র সঠিক জ্ঞানচর্চ্চাই (True Understanding)...

Posted By Unknown6:22 PM